Somerville Open Studios went really well! We had a steady stream of visitors...more on Sunday than Saturday, most likely because it was sunnier. I got to see a lot of people I don't get to see very often, which was nice. And now I can proudly say Sagel Friendsmith is a sold artist! When all was said and done, I sold 7 paintings....5 on the spot and then my great aunt Janet commissioned me to make 2 more - the seahorse and the little gecko (the gecko is gonna be larger). It's cool to think that my original artwork is going to be hanging in other people's houses! I went into the weekend with 12 paintings completed (I technically had 13 but I only showed 12 because the last one was a stupid daisy and it ended up coming out kind of cheesy), and I returned home with only 3. I traded my mom 4 paintings (3 flowers and the gecko) for her amazing "Dogwood" wall hanging. It's a lovely piece of weathered wood embellished with rusty, lacy-looking flat pieces of metal and beautiful pink dogwood flowers. I immediately came home and hung it on my living room wall. I hung two of my remaining paintings on the bathroom wall and one in the kitchen.
It's fun to hang lots of original art on my apartment walls. I have lots and lots of original art in my apartment - several small assembleages and dioramas my mom made, 4 original photos my mom took in Bolivia, my mom's beautiful Dogwood piece, 3 of my own little paintings, 2 decoupaged chairs my mom made, and 3 great black and white photos my mom took on her hippie travels in the 70s. As I get older, I appreciate original artwork more and more. I think I'm going to start taking art classes at either MassArt or UMass Boston in either the summer or this fall. I can't wait to learn all sorts of tricks of the trade! So far, anything I know about painting I've pretty much taught myself.
That's it for now.